HEORSHE - Convertible High ChairVendor: HEORSHE
- $999.00
$1,588.00 - $999.00
- Unit price
- per
此團購暫定順豐到付 如夠100張單或以上將於12月9日在IG公布包郵❤️ 12月中至尾會出貨🚚 HEORSHE - 可隨意調教兒童餐椅有可調節高度的功能,目的是滿足嬰兒和幼兒日益增長的需求。 它可提供舒適的用餐體驗,毫不費力地調整到不同的高度,確保在孩子發育的每個階段提供最佳支援。 椅子的高度調整性使其成為家庭的方便和實用的選擇。 材質使用食品級PP製造💯❤️ 給嬰兒充分的安全感🥰角度適合與家用餐桌連線,佔用空間很小。 滿足每個年齡增長的使用😍成人也可以舒適地使用這把椅子。 使用5點線束安全👍🏻護欄、大餐盤、5點安全帶可根據需求組合使用,易於快速安裝和拆卸。 適合脊柱的曲線❤️🙌🏻背板巧妙的彎曲為脊柱提供了更好的支撐。 手、腳、腰自然90度,讓嬰兒坐起來更舒服。 防止摔倒的超級抓地力👍🏻卓越的空氣輔助成型技術,底部的矽膠防滑墊保護地板,抓地力強,堅固耐用。- $999.00
$1,588.00 - $999.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Ultra Wide Neck Baby bottleVendor: HEORSHE
- From $168.00
$268.00 - From $168.00
- Unit price
- per
JANDY brings you a baby products brand, which is both high-quality and fashion. Although HEORSHE is not that popular in Hong Kong, but it is known as the "Apple" in the milk bottle industry in Malaysia and has won many awards. HEORSHE milk bottle...- From $168.00
$268.00 - From $168.00
- Unit price
- per
- $58.00
$88.00 - $58.00
- Unit price
- per
Ultra Transform Cap allows the feeding bottles to be converted to air-tight and secured storage containers. One container, different caps, for baby food, milk storage bottle, biscuits, fruits and puree, minimizing waste. 1) 100% safe food grade silicone material 2) BPA free and FDA...- $58.00
$88.00 - $58.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Replacement Ultra Nipple (2 in)Vendor: HEORSHE
- $78.00
$148.00 - $78.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE milk bottle and nipples are all made of food-grade silicone. The bottle is soft and skin-friendly, which is closer to the mother's breast and the nipple is designed to imitate breast milk, which is easier for babies to accept. Silicone milk bottles are...- $78.00
$148.00 - $78.00
- Unit price
- per
- $558.00
$788.00 - $558.00
- Unit price
- per
Heorshe Baby Bottle Premium set, a perfect starter kit for all mothers who are looking for combining breast and bottle feeding, or as a gift to the expecting parents. With two capacities and three different flows of teat, mothers can choose to use the...- $558.00
$788.00 - $558.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Ultra Wide Neck Baby bottle Gift SetVendor: HEORSHE
- $688.00
$906.00 - $688.00
- Unit price
- per
這超值套裝包括了三項產品: 1) 仿母乳奶樽 5oz/160毫升 x 2件 + 8oz/240毫升 x 2件 2) 仿母乳奶樽替換奶嘴 (一盒兩個) M-Flow x 1件 或 仿母乳奶樽替換奶嘴 (一盒兩個) F-Flow x 1件3) 轉換杯蓋配件 x 2件 *請直接聯絡客服專員下單。 可以以驚喜換購價加購以下產品(3選1): 1) 仿母乳奶樽 160ml + HK$128 (原價:$168)2) 仿母乳奶樽 240ml + HK$148 (原價:$188)3) 替換奶嘴(M/F-Flow) +HK$58 (原價:$78) 讓你們以最優惠的價錢隨意配搭,製造屬於你獨特的套裝。- $688.00
$906.00 - $688.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Dental-care Sippy CupVendor: HEORSHE
- From $148.00
$248.00 - From $148.00
- Unit price
- per
在寶寶開始吃副食品的時機大約是4至6個月大的時候,不少家長也會藉此讓孩子練習自己拿杯子喝水。根據美國兒科學會 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 的研究表明,當幼兒 18 個月大時,便需要完全從奶樽過渡到杯子。 當中我們應該要關注到牙齒錯位和蛀牙的風險。市面上幼兒水杯品牌繁多,媽媽選擇時感覺眼花撩亂。HEORSHE為各位媽媽設計了市面上第一款也是唯一一款專為寶寶牙齒發育健康的護齒學習水杯 ,它可以保護牙齒,採用 100% 矽膠製作,質地柔軟、靈活且獨特。 學習水杯上加裝了小翅膀扶手設計,幫助寶寶在吸吮時均勻分配作用力,不會只集中力度在門牙,有助於保護寶寶的新牙齒更均勻生長。 1) 奶嘴為 100% 矽膠,質地柔軟、靈活且獨特2) 樽身採用PPSU3) 不含BPA,擁有 FDA 認證4) 奶嘴為保護牙齒而設5) 非常適合幫助從奶瓶過渡到杯子6) 幫助減少氣體的攝入,氣體是絞痛或吐奶的潛在原因。它只會在寶寶吸吮時讓液體流出7) 寶寶任何姿勢飲用也不受影響8) 具小手柄設計和防塵蓋9) 防溢漏10) 易於組裝和清潔11) 最大耐熱180℃/356℉12) 7oz/210ML, Stage 1 Spout | 10oz/300ML, Stage 2 Spout13) 可安全用於微波爐、頂置洗碗機、紫外線和蒸汽消毒設計特點1) 蓋子:防塵蓋易於取下。2) 牙齒護理設計的奶嘴:奶嘴為 100% 矽膠,幫助寶寶在吸吮時均勻分佈施加的力,有助於保護寶寶新牙齒更均勻生長3)...- From $148.00
$248.00 - From $148.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Dental-care Sippy CupVendor: HEORSHE
- From $128.00
$228.00 - From $128.00
- Unit price
- per
All babies are unique and will progress from bottle feeding to their first sippy cup. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) studies show that a full transition from milk bottles to cups when toddler is 18 months old. We should concern the risk of teeth...- From $128.00
$228.00 - From $128.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Replacement Cup Spout and Straw with ConnectorVendor: HEORSHE
- From $38.00
$88.00 - From $38.00
- Unit price
- per
Dental-care Designed Cup Spout and Straw with Connector for Dental-care Sippy Cup Cup Spout is 100% silicone, d esigned for children above 6 months who are transitioning from bottles to sippy cups. Spouts with a “small wing” to help baby uniformly distribute the applied...- From $38.00
$88.00 - From $38.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Day & Night PacifierVendor: HEORSHE
- From $98.00
$138.00 - From $98.00
- Unit price
- per
Sucking is a most important way for babies to feel the world. When they are unhappy, a vivid breastfeeding pacifier often calms them down and lulls them to sleep. The use of a pacifier helps satisfy the baby's natural sucking response and gives the...- From $98.00
$138.00 - From $98.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Wristband TeetherVendor: HEORSHE
- $68.00
$108.00 - $68.00
- Unit price
- per
Magic calming baby teether will heip to relax your little one and fall asleep faster. As baby grows, we found finger sucking is the common habit to comfort themselves, particularly obvious for babies at the age of 0-2. For health reasons, there are lots...- $68.00
$108.00 - $68.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - 仿母乳牙膠Vendor: HEORSHE
- $108.00
$188.00 - $108.00
- Unit price
- per
仿母乳設計的牙膠❤️它溫和地舒緩牙齦,有助於緩解出牙不適,同時刺激感官探索。其符合人體工學的設計使小手可以輕鬆抓握,促進精細運動技能和手眼協調能力的發展。讓您的寶寶勇敢地開始出牙之旅。 食品級鉑金液態矽膠更好的材料,更高的品質。採用一體成型模具,更柔軟、更安全。不含 BPA、乳膠、鉛和鄰苯二甲酸鹽。 仿母乳設計格外柔軟有彈性,緊密模仿母親乳頭的觸感。提供舒適、安全的吸吮體驗,讓寶寶放心。 無靜電不容易黏塵 減少75%黏塵 橫握設計方便小手抓握 促進精細運動技能和手眼協調能力的發展 360度包裹小手 防止食手手習慣 兩種顏色選擇- $108.00
$188.00 - $108.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Galaxy TeetherVendor: HEORSHE
- $148.00
$208.00 - $148.00
- Unit price
- per
星球咬咬樂是一款適合嬰兒發現和探索的有趣玩具。凸起的紋理有助於減輕嬰兒出牙期間的牙齦疼痛。除了作為牙膠外,它還能增強寶寶的觸覺、視覺、聽覺能力,促進智力發展!我們相信孩子們透過玩耍的經驗來學習。 玩耍不僅僅是樂趣,它對孩子的認知、情緒和社交發展至關重要。 星球咬咬樂由德國最優質食品級矽膠材料製成,嬰兒可以安全咀嚼。它們不含有害化學物質,確保嬰兒在出牙期間的安全。 星球咬咬樂設計有符合人體工學的手柄或環,易於嬰兒抓握和抓握,促進精細運動技能的發展。 可安全咀嚼矽膠 星球咬咬樂採用不含BPA的德國食品級矽膠材料製成,嬰兒可以安全咀嚼。這些玩具具有吸引嬰兒注意力的時尚色彩,可促進視覺發展和美感 透過玩耍成長🌠 我們相信孩子們透過玩耍的經驗來學習。玩耍不僅僅是樂趣,它對孩子的認知、情緒和社交發展至關重要。輕鬆抓握,培養寶寶精細手部動作專為嬰兒出牙玩具設計的矽膠十字環,易於抓握。每個矽膠圈都經過嚴格的拉伸測試,無零件脫落風險,無窒息危險。 幫助大腦發育💫寶寶在旋轉牙膠中心球時可以聽到聲音,這可以幫助寶寶培養聽力並保持專注。矽膠十字環互鎖設計,鍛鍊寶寶手部精細動作,促進大腦發展。 多功能玩具🤩適合多種場景,出牙、滾動、投擲,陪伴寶寶玩耍。凸起的紋理有助於減輕嬰兒出牙期間的牙齦疼痛。- $148.00
$208.00 - $148.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - 果泥咬咬器Vendor: HEORSHE
- $108.00
$188.00 - $108.00
- Unit price
- per
果泥咬咬器是一個多功能玩具❤️ 寶寶開始加固好推薦買這個神器🥰可以將水果、蔬菜或者果泥放入矽膠網袋🍓🍇🍉🍅🥦🥬🥑🥕 實穴5可以自學進食 咀嚼過程可以按摩牙齦😚設計小鹿造型可以方便寶寶小手抓握 鼓勵自己進食建立獨立性同埋提升手眼協調能力🫶🏻舒緩BB出牙仔牙痕做牙膠用‼️德國矽膠彈簧推進器💯入面有兩個尺寸嘅牙膠口可以根據BB需要而更換 多功能餵食器鹿角餵食器結合了奶嘴和出牙玩具的功能。寬敞的食物儲存袋可存放水果、蔬菜或果泥。紋理表面可按摩和刺激牙齦。 易於握持的手柄設計有兩個加長鹿角,方便小手抓握。鼓勵寶寶自己進食,建立獨立性並提高手眼協調。 套裝包含 2 種尺寸 可以根據寶寶需要而更換 德國矽膠彈簧推進器 可拆開清洗,可用洗碗機清洗,或直接用水清洗,無隱藏角落,無黴菌。 三種顏色選擇- $108.00
$188.00 - $108.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Convertible High ChairVendor: HEORSHE
- $1,388.00
$1,588.00 - $1,388.00
- Unit price
- per
訂貨日期:7~14天 HEORSHE - 可隨意調教兒童餐椅有可調節高度的功能,目的是滿足嬰兒和幼兒日益增長的需求。 它可提供舒適的用餐體驗,毫不費力地調整到不同的高度,確保在孩子發育的每個階段提供最佳支援。 椅子的高度調整性使其成為家庭的方便和實用的選擇。 材質使用食品級PP製造💯❤️ 給嬰兒充分的安全感🥰角度適合與家用餐桌連線,佔用空間很小。 滿足每個年齡增長的使用😍成人也可以舒適地使用這把椅子。 使用5點線束安全👍🏻護欄、大餐盤、5點安全帶可根據需求組合使用,易於快速安裝和拆卸。 適合脊柱的曲線❤️🙌🏻背板巧妙的彎曲為脊柱提供了更好的支撐。 手、腳、腰自然90度,讓嬰兒坐起來更舒服。 防止摔倒的超級抓地力👍🏻卓越的空氣輔助成型技術,底部的矽膠防滑墊保護地板,抓地力強,堅固耐用。- $1,388.00
$1,588.00 - $1,388.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Toddler Feeding SetVendor: HEORSHE
- $188.00
$338.00 - $188.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE plates uniquely in a honeycomb shape with hexagon edge. These natural silicone are east to clean and each set with various color combination catching babies eyes. When you have a baby growing up to eat by themselves, a set of attentive tableware is...- $188.00
$338.00 - $188.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - Baby Fork and Spoon SetVendor: HEORSHE
- $78.00
$108.00 - $78.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE cutlery's ergonomic, shortened our regular fork and spoon set and turn the handle 90 degrees, easy for toddlers to grip. Purposely designed to fit your baby's tiny hands and developing grip. tips. Soft silicone handle, perfect for the little eaters who love to...- $78.00
$108.00 - $78.00
- Unit price
- per
- $78.00
$128.00 - $78.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE made bibs out of softer, dust-proof silicone and designed larger openings to catch food falling from the baby's mouth, while keeping the baby's dining area clean. 1) 100% safe food grade silicone material 2) BPA free and FDA certified 3) 25mm soft side...- $78.00
$128.00 - $78.00
- Unit price
- per
HEORSHE - I'm a Bib, Baby Fork & Spoon SetVendor: HEORSHE
- $128.00
$156.00 - $128.00
- Unit price
- per
這超值套裝包括了兩項產品: 1) 矽膠幼兒圍兜 x 1件2) 幼兒自學不銹鋼餐匙餐叉套裝 x 1件 讓你們以最優惠的價錢隨意配搭,製造屬於你獨特的套裝。- $128.00
$156.00 - $128.00
- Unit price
- per