付款方式 Payment Method
快速支付系統識別碼: 7410269 YIM Cxxxx Mxx Mxxxx
請直接Whatsapp我們拿QR code付款
送貨安排 Delivery Arrangement
我們通過順豐快遞到付(運費將到貨後支付)將產品發送給您,如訂單滿港幣 500 元可免本地運費。
We will send the products to you by SF Express (Cash on Delivery), free local shipping on order over HK$500.
The products in stock will be shipped within 2-4 days, and the pre-order products are expected to arrive in about 10-14 days.
退貨條款 Return Policy
Once orders have completed, neither refund or exchange is acceptable.
If there are any defective for the products within 7 purchasing days, please take photos or video to us as evidence, JANDY have the rights to decide refund or exchange for a new product to customer. Artificially damaged is not covered.